Saturday, July 6, 2013



sudo /etc/acpi/         sudo shutdown -h +30         arecord -f dat -d 20 -D hw:0,0 test.wav     /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate     gksu gnome-schedule
pm-hibernate    || nethogs ||   kill[1958example] qshutdown | sentinella| top|etherape|nmon|cbm|conky| Gold Futures 08:20-1:30 ET Silver Futures 8:25-1:25 ET NYSE trading session 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Current time: NY

Live Mirror

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Checklist: 1. $NYUPV when the red line goes through the black on the MACD you usually have 4 days of trend.| 2.Read MarketVolume commentary. 3) XIV rsi| 4)Trinq 1 hour dmi 5)$NYHL is good for extremes.| 6)$OEXA200R important. |
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RSI 3        Stoch RSI 14         Slow Sto 5,1
Full Sto10,3,3         UlcerIndex 5        William% 5     
Kelt 5,1        EMA5      EMA 13        EMA 34      ADX 3       
50day ma on $gold***    ||TSI 7,4,7||  ||Aroon 5||  || Slow Sto 14,3 ||  || commercial index above 75 buy zone,below 20 sell zone|  For going long: 1) CCI (4) below -100 2) RSI (2) below 30 3) Stoch (4,1,1) below 20 4) MACD (6,12,9) above signal line    ||buy aroon5 at -60 sell aroon5 at 80||  || andrew lais gold stoch||  

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1. Awareness of a hard object has no hardness in it. 2. Awareness of confusion is not confused. 3. Aware ness of insanity is not insane. 4.Awareness of the passage of time takes no time. 5. Relief from woes on this plane and the way to the highest plane is the same: No resistance. 6. If you love your ignorance more than I love my knowledge, you are on a higher level than I.

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We| We2| W| 91352W | AstroEcon Dogpile| gist| Tv91352| gist2| Marketcoment| glocal|7777 Moore | MSNdx| SeaN| gm gossipWeekly| H ||| Nmax | G208 | G| iG| MSN2 | 72.14| Daily | Calendar| 365| Mp3x2 | Ditto | MaxPain| W3| Recycler | Zenhabits | Imeem| Stumbleaudio | cdbaby | __________________ USApapers| Guardian| A | A | SCnews | SMcam StockChartA| A A A| NorthernTrust| 7 | Comcast LaTraff Zenhabits Aol| Beach | qqv| Maudlin | DailyReckoning Merc | USA| D2 | wired | mndaily | sfweekly | Atlantic | gregplast | Jack Stevison | Actual | pseudo Advaita | youtube 100| Brojon pravda FrankBarbera ____________________ | packtenstorage | rsi | (big charts 3 years macd weekly )| russian riannews| debka | tass | moscowtimes | st.petersburg times| | xinhua | chinanews| audiodharma| Kusc| Kbyu| Psycanics | ActualFreedom| loveyourintuition | GuyFinlely| Freddy| Freddy2| Strouthblog| AwakenedHeart| Gutenber| KeepVid | photoshop express| | BenefitsCorp| DatekIn| DatekB| Quicken| DatekA| Advaita Rotten| Bank EI| Bank ie2| AOL UK| BT | Borowitz infoclearinghouse| Odd | Rad2| Voip| uspix Onion | Boston | Salon popsci| Sitescooper| 64.233 jagnotes safehaven Heloise | contraryinvestor Gripes| Oprah ThomFN | Fry A bcefcu NewsFactor Alex | Safe Outpost | Gary | Bodhi | R Ap seattlenews| Speedtest| Ego death Radio R2 magportal| SmokinGun| Iown Crayon| Crayon2| Kee| Kunstler __________________ Realtor TechTv| LeeAnne | U-wire| Plastic| Invoice| Itnl| Moon| Rad| Startup| od| Shout| Mp3 | Pamela | E | Clear | Hippo | sharpman| 365 | NewRepublic vrane | freep| Israel | marketturning points | Memo | Red | nac overstock lucianne mdaily sacbee | Khan | LeeAnne | 321Gold | leap2020 | __________________ forecasts| Forecasts2 | GoldEagle| Freecall | Photobucket| Faxzero| Sendfax| Calldigits | vixy | Tpc fax| newsforthesoul |
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Fred Harrison, UK
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6 Eric Janszen, US
Stephen Keen, Australia
SteveKeensBlog| Jakob Brøchner Madsen & Jens Kjaer Sørensen, Denmark
Kurt Richebächer, US
Nouriel Roubini, US
Peter Schiff, US
Robert Shiller, US
Doug Noland
Dean Baker, US Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research 2006 Wynne Godley, US Distinguished Scholar, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College 2007 Fred Harrison, UK Economic Commentator 2005 Michael Hudson, US Professor, University of Missouri 2006 Eric Janszen, US Investor & iTulip commentator 2007 Stephen Keen, Australia Associate Professor, University of Western Sydney 2006 Jakob Brøchner Madsen & Jens Kjaer Sørensen, Denmark Professor and Graduate Student, Copenhagen University 2006 Kurt Richebächer, US Private consultant and investment newsletter writer 2006 Nouriel Roubini, US Professor, New York University 2006 Peter Schiff, US Stock Broker, investment adviser and commentator 2007 Robert Shiller, US Professor, Yale University 2006
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insufficient ########

1) Want things but do not need things to be a certain way.

2) The more you need something or someone the less chance you have to get it.

3) Know that you get upset for a reason, it doesn't just happen to you. You only get upset if you feel it is good for you in some way. How is it good for you? Does it prove you care? Does it prove you did not want xyz to happen? Does it prove you are a good person?

4) Observe the tendency to motivate yourself and others with negativity.

5) You are good, loving and adorable. All humans can only be love at their core. To think otherwise because of some behavior is confused thinking.

6) Comparing is a form of complaining and has a low vibration.

7) Like attracts like. The more positive you are, the more positive your life will be. Your world is created by your mental attitude.

8) Choice implies being conscious. Until it becomes conscious past conditioning will keep you repeating old patterns.

9) If you play the victim game, you think others will have to love you, protect you and care for you. It takes the blame and responsibility off of you. That is the payoff, but it leaves you at the mercy of everyone else. Is it worth it?

10) The desire to have other people provide our happiness, or the belief that we can provide others' happiness causes most of the worlds miseries.

11) If you will not love yourself, you will have no choice but to seek approval from others.

12) Focus on the solutions, not the problems.

13) Being happy or being upset is the result of a belief, not a circumstance. Beliefs that cause upset are not in harmony with the universe, with what is reality.

14) Being upset is a way of saying that the universe should change to fit your wishes. It's like having your wristwatch wrong and insisting everyone else in the world change theirs.

15) Saying no to someone when it means being true and authentic is the most compassionate thing you can do for all.

16) To love someone means to be happy with them.

17) To have faith in someone's ability to solve their own problems is the greatest gift you can give them.

When I met my Guru, he told me: "You are not what you take yourself to be. Find out what you are. Watch the sense 'I am', find your real Self." I obeyed him, because I trusted him. I did as he told me. All my spare time I would spend looking at myself in silence. And what a difference it made, and how soon!

My teacher told me to hold on to the sense 'I am' tenaciously and not to swerve from it even for a moment. I did my best to follow his advice and in a comparatively short time I realized within myself the truth of his teaching. All I did was to remember his teaching, his face, his words constantly. This brought an end to the mind; in the stillness of the mind I saw myself as I am -- unbound.

I simply followed (my teacher's) instruction which was to focus the mind on pure being 'I am', and stay in it. I used to sit for hours together, with nothing but the 'I am' in my mind and soon peace and joy and a deep all-embracing love became my normal state. In it all disappeared -- myself, my Guru, the life I lived, the world around me. Only peace remained and unfathomable silence.

jhnewman: 1900 mid-october, then back off b wave 6to8 weeks. then with stocks way down,QE3 and start of C wave ... gold 4200 to 4500 in 2015 then D wave 7to 8 months gold to 3200, finally gold 9,000 to 11,000 range late 2018 to 2019. First phase already completed: targets of low 1325, and a bounce to 1337 already achieved. Second phase just started to underway with price and time targets: Potential price target is 61.8% retrace at $spx 1303 at a minimum. More possibly is the green line around 1292 ~ 1295 area. Time target is this coming Friday Jun 29, 2012, which is 8 Fibonacci day from the Jun 19 1363 high. Third phase: retrace rally upside target 1354. Fourth phase: into the core of the potential black swan crash, similar to Jul 24 ~ Aug 3, 2011 black swan crash. Fifth phase: market rally. Above Operation X will be invalidated if $spx travels above 1350 before gets to 1310.
1) RSI set at 3 ... sell when it gets into the 90 range for dust... buy in the 30 range.||| 2) William% set at 5 ...sell in the -1.5 range for dust ... buy in the -80 range.||| 3) StochRSI set at 14 ... sell near the .8 line for dust ... buy near the .20 line.||| 4) EMA set at 5 ... chances are it is going to come back down to EMA 5 if it gets too far ahead or below it.||| 5) Chaiken money flow set at 5 ... if there is a lot of green on the chart the trend is up.||| 6) Full Stoch 10,3,3||| 7) Slow Stoch 5,1 for dust sell in the 90 range ... buy in the 20-30 range.||| 8) OnBalanceVol ... look at once a week or so ... when it gets too extreme be careful.||| 9) TSI true strength indicator ... buy in the -50 range sell in the +80-90 range.||| Ulcer Index

I did not follow any particular course of breathing, or meditation, or study of scriptures. Whatever happened, I would turn away my attention from it and remain with the sense 'I am'. It may look too simple, even crude. My only reason for doing it was that my Guru told me so. Yet it worked!

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The latest relative trading range for the HUI is rendered above, between 0.95x and 1.40x its 200dma zealllc| Contentment is being in love with the moment, not just dutifully accepting it like an arranged marriage but passionately, rapturously embracing the eternal now as your soul mate.What happens out there doesn't matter


Constantly ask, "How am I experiencing this moment?" If you are not experiencing happiness trace back what has happened since you last were. Notice what happened, be aware of what beliefs were triggered. Awareness is everything.

Gold price one year | Gold price 52 weeks

Tiger:        RSI 3       Stoch RSI 14   Slow Sto 5,1         EMA5       UlcerIndex 5   William% 5       Keltner 5,1 sudo /etc/acpi/         sudo shutdown -h +30  
arecord -f dat -d 20 -D hw:0,0 test.wav         Full Sto 10,3,3         Stoch RSI 14         RSI 3         RSI 4         Trend change= 5day EMA        Slow Sto 5,1        
4 Days up 4 days down       BB Width 20,2,0       William% 5       ChaikenMF 5       Trix 5,9       UlcerIndex 5       Full Sto 10,3,3         RSI 4         Trend change= 5day EMA        
4 Days up 4 days down       BB Width 20,2,0       William% 5       ChaikenMF 5       Trix 5,9       UlcerIndex 5       After installing, press Alt-F2 on your keyboard, then type and select the command below: gksu gnome-schedule to create a launcher icon: gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new Htc wildfire graphite code: IMEI NUMBER: 354692041297694 UNLOCK CODE: 50140368
You literally possess, within your consciousness profile, all the power that exists within all of creation!!! You absolutely have all that exists, ever has, or ever will, contained within your mind. All you have to do is learn how to use it, and at that moment, you will literally, literally, be all that is, was, and ever will be!!

    Gold price one year | Gold price 52 weeks

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